"Wow, your meal plan is very thorough! I also love that you included two low carb meal plan options, and went into such details for how to ease into changing your diet and lifestyle."
"This, along with the information already on your website for doing keto without a gallbladder, will be tremendously helpful for me. The meal recipes are tasty and easy to follow. I also like the LCM calculator/food list - very simple and easy to use."
Sample Pages
Here are some sample pages from the meal plan, so you can get an idea of what you're getting before you commit to buying. If you have any questions, you can email me at modernyum@gmail.com.

In the above sample pages I included the meal plan for snacks, so that you can see how my meals are set up. Each meal is set up the same way: you choose one from each category to create a meal. This provides you with flexibility to pick and choose the foods you want to eat while sticking to the plan. For those of you who prefer to follow recipes, I provide meal ideas and recipes as well.
"I love it. So simple. I love the 'pick one' from each category. Thank you so much."
"This was exactly what I needed, thank you! Lots of information and it was helpful having two plans to choose from. I also like that it's flexible and allows me to choose the foods I want. Thanks!!"
Get The Meal Plan
This is a custom meal plan for anyone who wants to successfully do keto without a gallbladder. Included in this guide are TWO different meal plans to choose from: strict keto and a less-strenuous alternative. Plus, get grocery lists, recipe suggestions, and a tons of information and tips to get you started on the right track.

Meal Plan Guide Includes:
- 2 Meal Plans
- Meal Calculator (Excel)
- Step-by-Step Guide
- Grocery List
Return to the page How I Did It: Keto Without A Gallbladder.
I want to thank you for all the work you did on the customized plan. I struggled since I was 40 with so many diets. With my autoimmune they suggest grain free keto or Mediterranean. However with the larger meals heavy on fat I was always in the bathroom. I didn’t realize that others had similar issues. Your book allows me to pick correct amounts and categorize the foods I need. I follow Mediterranean myself which is what most Dr recommend. I have been feeling great. Your diet has helped so much.
Carroll Naragon
Hi: Ive tried everything to lose weight and will now commit to your information on eating without an gall Bladder. I really appreciate your doing this and Im hopeful after spending thousands of dollars on diet websites that this one will work.