Welcome to my corner of the internet. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

I am the author, photographer and recipe creator for Modern Yum, a food blog with low-carb and (mostly) gluten-free recipes, as well as resources and guides pertaining to eating without a gallbladder. I work at a travel agency by day (yes, they still exist) and spend my free time creating recipes and info for Modern Yum.
My husband and I live in Miami Beach, in a condo with a small kitchen. That's why my recipes don't require lots of fancy equipment. Who needs an Avocado Scoop when you can use a spoon, anyway?
I have a B.S.B.A in Economics and a Masters in International Business from the University of Florida. I also took a couple courses pertaining to nutrition, and post-graduation I consulted with with several nutritionists and dietitians to craft custom diets and meal plans.
Living Without A Gallbladder
I had a cholecystectomy (surgery to remove the gallbladder) when I was 24 years old. For many years afterwards I ate an extremely low-fat diet, starving my body of much-needed fats. Eventually, I realized that it just wasn't working for me, and that something needed to change. That's when I developed a customized diet for those without a gallbladder.
For several years, I managed to successfully follow a keto diet. But eventually, I switched to a moderate-carb, moderate-fat Mediterranean Diet. For someone without a gallbladder, that seems to be a healthy long-term solution that fit the needs of my body. Eating in the modern world requires both careful attention to the things you eat AND a leniency to eat what you need when you need it. That's why I created Modern Yum... because we desperately need a modern approach to eating and feeling good.
Learn more about how to do Keto without a gallbladder and how to do the Mediterranean Diet without a gallbladder.
Culinary Influences
I grew up in Tampa, Florida, where Southern cooking is the focal point. Add in a splash of the tropics and a dash of Latin flare, and you've got yourself a Florida melting pot of deliciousness.

My husband is Portuguese. He was born and raised near Sintra, and we travel to Portugal once or twice per year to visit his friends and family. This little corner of Europe has become a part of my life in various different ways. As it pertains to this food blog, you will see traditional Portuguese dishes occasionally make an appearance.
Sorry to disappoint, but my top passion in life is not food. It's traveling. Through both study and work, I have lived in London, Brazil, Hong Kong and Malawi, and traveled extensively throughout those four continents. I've visited over 50 countries and absolutely love meeting new people and experiencing different cultures. Food is part of that, and I ate up every minute of it (pun intended). Sometimes I get a hankering for that Vietnamese spring roll I had in Ho Chi Minh, or that fresh-caught fish I ate at a lakeside tiki-hut on Lake Malawi. I love experimenting with new flavors in the kitchen, and reminiscing about these adventures always brings inspiration.
Connect with Me
I'd love to hear from you! For questions or comments pertaining to a specific recipe, it's best to leave a comment at the bottom of the recipe page. You can also find me on social at the following sites:
- Facebook: facebook.com/modernyum/
- Instagram: @modern.yum
- Pinterest: pinterest.com/modernyum/
I'm just getting started, so these social sites may look a little sad and lonely 🙁 Feel free to drop me a line, share your own creations, or ask me a question. I'll do a happy dance if you tag @modern.yum in your Instagram photos and stories!
Kathy Taylor
Dear Chelsea,
I just underwent gallbladder removal surgery. I purchased your product keto without a gb.
The problem is I did open the article when I bought it but I was on heavy duty pain meds, etc. I just wanted a quick flavor of what it said. It's not even a week post op and I can't open it in the app. I didn't absorb any of it yet.
How can I gain access to it again?
Chelsea Blake
Hi Kathy, I'll email you.
Jacki Folkman
Hi! I just had emergency removal of my Gallbladder on Thursday night. I read your article last night and it is the best information that I have read. I purchased your Mediterranean Diet without a Gallbladder late last night on my phone and now I cannot find the file. Can you email the file or help me.
Thank you so much,
Chelsea Blake
Hi Jacki. I'm glad you found the information to be helpful and thank you for purchasing the Meal Plan. I just emailed you with the files again.